Dienstag, 27. März 2012

Sorbonne University

Hello friends.Would you like to learn about one of the oldest University in Europe and the the most prestigious educational institution in France? 
I would like to tell you about Sorbonne University,which is loacated in Paris,France
La Sorbonne comes from the name Robert de Sorbon, bishop and confessor of King of France, Saint-Louis. Its history was closely linked to the one of Paris University and became its symbol. The university was created in the XIIIth century from the guild of masters and students in the capital city.Initially, only twenty students attended the university's lectures, but in the 13th Century Sorbonne had more than 20,000 students from all over EuropeIn 1970, Sorbonne split into 13 different universities. The most famous of these are the University of Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne, University of Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle and University of Paris IV - Paris-Sorbonne. Would you like to study here??

You can read more about this University in Russian in the Wiki-article.

Find out more iformation by watching this presentation

8 Kommentare:

  1. Hello, there no doubt that I'd like to study there, because my studies at the Universiy would provide me for a succssful career, but I've never learnt French, so it would be rather tough for me to communicate and this problem would make difficult my studies.

  2. Hello, Nastya! Thank you for very interesting message about this University. I've heard about Sorbonne before and wanted to learn more about the place with such a beautiful name. In my opinion,because of its fame and prestige it is very difficult to enter this University. But those, who managed to do it have a full authority to be proud of this fact. As for me, I would be happy to get higher education there, but the trouble is that I don't know French, so I suppose my chances to enter it almoust are zero.

  3. Hello! I think, it is an excellent university and it is a good start for students' future career. But this university does not suit me, because I don't study French.

  4. Hello! Mmm, studies in France...It sounds great! I have always been dreaming about visiting France and studying there. I'm sure, Sorbonne University helps its students to become qualified specialists who can work all over the World. So,I would't refuse to receive higher education there.

  5. Hello, Nastya! Of course Sorbonne University is one of the most famous and greatest educational institutions in the world. i suppose, trere is a great amount of students from different countries who would like to study there. I'd like, too, if only I knew French...

  6. Hello! Of cource, I would like to learn about one of the oldest University in Europe and the the most prestigious educational institution in France. Sorbonne University is one of the greatest universities in the world! Besides, my dream is to travell to France, so if I go to France, I will visit Sorbonne University. If I had a chance, I would like to study there.

  7. Hello, Nastya!It is very interesting page.I would like to visit Sorbonne University because it is the inheritor of the former arts, languages and humanities faculties of the University of Paris.

  8. Hello! It was really interesting to read about Sorbonne University. As for your question, I think I wouldn't like to study there. Though it is one of the most prestigious educational institutions would provide me for a succssful career, I wouldn't be able to study there because I hate French. So I don't think I would manage to learn it.
